Úvod \ Expoziční areály \ Historická výstavní budova, Opava

Historická výstavní budova Opava

Migration flows propaganda

Migration flows propaganda

Archiv - událost již proběhla

Místo konání:
Opava, Czech Republic - Silesian Museum, The Historical Exhibition Building

Typ události:

Doba konání:
14.12.2022 - 15.12.2022


Migration flows propaganda
14. -15. 12. 2022
Opava, Czech Republic - Silesian Museum, The Historical Exhibition Building (Komenského 10).
An exhibition has been planned for the academic society, general public and students to popularise the research results. Given the by "propaganda" focus of the research, we assume that the researchers of the project, but perhaps also the participants of the conference will find a lot of material during the research, which would be attractive. We consider that the popularization of science and research results is a necessary part of every project, which is why we have included an interactive exhibition in the solution of this project. The exhibition will use modern technology and present the propaganda of migration closer in the European context in the V4 countries in an interesting way. The exhibition will be traveling - it will take place in every V4 country. Therefore, banners will be used for its purposes, which will be connected with modern technologies to the interactive web page of the project. Through the QR code on each banner, visitors will be able to hear more about the issue from the audio records and at the same time they will have the opportunity to access online publication (in Slovak, Czech, Polish, Hungarian and English language mutation) about the exhibition entitled Post-WWII migration in the V4 countries (propaganda analysis of Central European migration flows). The publication will be scientific analytical-synthetic output of the project.
Project "Post-WWII Migration Flows in the V4 States in the Context of Propaganda Studies" is supported by Visegrad Fund (project ID 22030354, implementation period 01/09/2021 — 28/02/2023).


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